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Tentang Proyek IndoDic E-Kamus ini:
Kamus-kamus ini mewakili pekerjaan yang berlangsung selama hampir sepuluh tahun oleh Wayne B. Krause, seorang penutur asli bahasa Inggris, dan tim bahasawan serta para penolongnya dari Indonesia. Proyek ini telah menghasilkan kamus-kamus ringkas bahasa Indonesia yang paling akurat dan lengkap yang pernah ada.

Setiap kamus mencakup lebih dari 50.000 lema. Berbeda dari sebagian besar kamus Indonesia-Inggris yang ada, kamus IndoDic mencantumkan semua variasi kata yang mungkin ada, termasuk sufiks dan prefiks menurut urutan abjad. Cara ini menjadikannya ideal bagi mereka yang belajar bahasa Indonesia.

Kamus-kamus IndoDic tersedia bagi para pengguna Internet (di IndoDic.com) melalui sebuah perjanjian perizinan tersendiri.

Jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan, komentar, atau saran, hubungi Tim Kamus: email - wbkrause2@yahoo.com

About the IndoDic E-Kamus Project.
These dictionaries represent nearly ten years of work by lexicographer Wayne B. Krause, a native English speaker, and his team of Indonesian-speaking linguists and helpers. The project has produced the most accurate and complete concise Indonesian-English dictionaries in existence.

Each dictionary contains over 50,000 entries. Unlike most Indonesian-to-English Dictionaries, the IndoDic dictionary lists most variants of a word, including suffixes and prefixes in true alphabetical order. This makes it ideal for learners of bahasa Indonesia.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, contact the Kamus Team: email - wbkrause2@yahoo.com

IndoDic.Com Terms of Use.
IndoDic.com website is provided free of charge for personal use by persons or entities. IndoDic Media ("the Owner") is the owner and copyright holder of IndoDic E-kamus software and related documentation used on the IndoDic.com website (the “Proprietary Material”). The Proprietary Material must not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, rented, published or transferred to any other person or entity. Users may not sell, license, transfer or distribute any part of the Proprietary Material or use it as part of any collection, product or service. Users may not integrate any part of the Proprietary Material into any other software program or endeavor or rent, lease, lend or provide hosting services with the Proprietary Material. The Proprietary Material is not to be resold or otherwise transferred for value.

IndoDic Media has been given a non-exclusive license to use TruAlfa dictionaries with IndoDic E-kamus and IndoDic.com website by Wayne B. Krause, the sole owner and copyright holder of TruAlfa dictionaries (the “Dictionaries”). Users of IndoDic.com website may not copy, reproduce or use any part of the Dictionaries as part of any collection, product or service or integrate any part of the Dictionaries into any other software program or endeavor without the express written consent of the owner.

The information provided in the Language Learning section of IndoDic.com website is hereby declared to be in the Public Domain and free for use in educational programs, provided that the information is not used for commercial purposes or as part of any course that is profit-motivated. The Spell Check word list is provided free of charge and "as is" . We make no representations or warranties, express or implied of fitness or suitability for any particular purpose. The opinions expressed in the Language Learning Section are those of Wayne B. Krause as an individual and are not in any way connected with other individuals and products involved with this website.

Copyright © IndoDic Media (a Joint Venture of Wayne B. Krause and Thomas Gilson). All rights reserved.

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